Lendresse interpretation trail: unravel its mysteries...

Lendresse interpretat ...

Strolling through the Béarn? As a family, as a couple, or with friends, stop at Lendresse and take the time to discover this pleasant, typically Béarn village. The interpretive trail will give you the keys to understanding its evolution over the centuries.

Let yourself be told the story of the village, by following the first 7 steps. Then, for the next 9, learn more about the Gave de Pau and enjoy the surrounding green nature!

The history of the village

To learn more about the origins, go to panel n°1 , near the church. A map made on this panel will allow you to easily see where the next stops are located!

explanatory panels
Follow the path and the explanatory panels
Stroll through the alleys of the pretty village of Lendresse

Thus, while strolling in the heart of the village, you will learn that men have been present in this territory since the Neolithic era. But it was in the 14th century that it was first reported. Until the first half of the 20th century, the inhabitants had mainly agricultural activities: they cultivated cereals and practiced animal husbandry. Of course, a few were traders and other artisans.

Built with pebbles from the Gave de Pau on their facades and with sloping roofs, allowing good drainage of rainwater, some houses still bear witness to this time and this rurality today.

Read our article to go on an adventure on the occasion of a road trip along the Gave de Pau, this river which is an integral part of the life of the region.


typical houses of Béarn
typical houses of Béarn
The typical houses of Béarn built with pebbles from the Gave de Pau

But, during the twentieth century, a big change occurs. In Lacq, a gas field is discovered. Thus, some inhabitants have chosen to improve their lifestyle by abandoning agriculture and preferring to work for the gas industry which offers them a fixed, stable and more attractive remuneration.

discovery of gas in Lacq
From rurality to the industrial era

Lendresse and the Gave de Pau: a dangerous connection?

Continue on the path until you reach the edges of the gave. The new panels will provide you with information on its uses and arrangements.

banks of the Gave
banks of the Gave
banks of the Gave

The walk continues in the middle of nature

Sometimes friends, other times enemies, the next panels of the interpretive trail will explain to you that Lendresse and the Gave are historically and geographically linked, forever.

Gave de Pau
The Gave de Pau and its shades of green

The gave is the name given to rivers in Béarn, but also in Bigorre (in Hautes-Pyrénées) and Chalosse (in Landes)! It comes from the Gascon word gave, pronounced "gabé".

The Gave de Pau, a threat?

In 1820 there was such a major flood that it engulfed the early Church. The inhabitants became aware of the dangerousness of the rising waters and the violence of the floods. This is why, during the 20th century, important works were carried out to try to "contain" this river.

the sunken church
A flood later and the church disappeared

Thus, the current aspect no longer really corresponds to the natural and wild state of the Gave: for example, meanders have been removed to prevent erosion of the banks. By doing this, the municipality has been able to protect itself and prevent any new accidents.

Contain the Gave de Pau
Contain the Gave de Pau to avoid new floods

When the gave is of service

During the glory days of the pilgrimage to Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, the pilgrims made a stopover at Lendresse, because there was a ford there to cross the Gave when the waters were calm or via a small boat if the level of water was too much.

The villagers, too, used this ford or this boat to get to the opposite bank where there were salligues, that is to say woodlands of willows. It therefore allowed some Lendressois to exploit them and was a source of income.

the ford of the Aiguillon
In the past, pilgrims and inhabitants crossed this gave

Today, its banks are synonymous with relaxation and invite you to feel the tranquility of a perfectly maintained, preserved and calm natural space.


Enjoy the nature that surrounds us

Nice view of the nearby village, from an arm of the Gave de Pau

Fauna and flora of the Gave de Pau

In its waters live many varieties of fish, such as roaches, carp, pike, etc. to the delight of fishermen! The fauna is varied: frogs, moorhens, herons, mallards are all animals that it is possible to meet during your walk.

Gave de Pau
The Gave de Pau: a fisherman's paradise!

Trees have been planted to landscape the shores, but also to maintain them, store water in the roots and return it when necessary, and finally filter certain polluting elements from the groundwater. So you can recognize willows, cherry trees, poplars, maples, and many other species.

local flora
Learn more about the local flora

We hope that this charming village has touched you and that this colorful and historical visit made you want to discover other natural or historical places in Béarn.

Did you like our article? Find others on the Guide du Béarn Blog. Find us on the Facebook page of the Béarn Pyrénées Guide and also on Instagram @guidebearnpyrenees


Article and photos prepared by Charline Prod'Homme, La Plume Digitale

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