Fancy a refreshing break in Béarn ? Find all the addresses to warm you up, refresh you or taste delicious cakes from Béarn !
Bon appétit in Béarn !
DRINK, EAT & SMILE The Next Coffee is a gourmet break during your shopping trip in the Quartier Libre shopping ...
Welcome to the Francis Miot Tea Room We're so delighted to welcome you to our warm and friendly atmosphere, where ...
Founded in 1923, Maison Constanti embodies the artisanal tradition in Béarn. As a family business, we passionately ...
Since 1923, Maison Constanti has elegantly perpetuated the art of hospitality in the heart of Béarn. Our tea room, ...
The Salon de thé librairie Danser sous la Plume is a place where the passion for books meets the pleasure of ...
In the city center of Pau, Suzani welcomes you to her warm restaurant and tea room dedicated to natural, vegetable, ...
Come and enjoy a friendly shopping break at Ma Pau's Gourmande, a tea room and café in Pau, very pleasant and well ...